Under the Patronage of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou

Delphi Economic Forum IX

April 10-13, 2024

Nathalie Tocci

Nathalie Tocci

Nathalie Tocci

Director, Istituto Affari Internazionali


Nathalie Tocci is Director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Honorary Professor at the University of Tübingen and Pierre Keller Visiting Professor at the Harvard Kennedy School.

She has been Special Advisor to EU High Representative and Vice President of the Commission Josep Borrell. As Special Advisor to HRVP Federica Mogherini she wrote the European Global Strategy and worked on its implementation. She has been a member of Eni's Board of Directors since May 2020. Previously she held research positions at the Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, the Transatlantic Academy, Washington and the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Florence.

Her research interests include European foreign policy, conflict resolution, the Middle East and the Mediterranean. Her major publications include: Framing the EU's Global Strategy, Springer-Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 (author); The EU, Promoting Regional Integration, and Conflict Resolution, Springer-Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 (co-editor); Turkey and the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 (co-author); Multilateralism in the 21st Century, Routledge, 2013 (co-editor), Turkey’s European Future: Behind the Scenes of America’s Influence on EU-Turkey Relations, New York University Press, 2011 (author); and The EU and Conflict Resolution, Routledge, 2007 (author). Nathalie is the 2008 winner of the Anna Lindh award for the study of European Foreign Policy.

Thursday 11

  • 19.15 - 19.50

    European Economic Security in a Fragmented World


    location_onLeto Hall | Amalia Hotel

    Programming Partner: European University Institute (EUI)

    As economic polarization gives way to fragmentation among competing geopolitical and geoeconomics blocs, the issue of Europe’s economic security is becoming a key driver of policy-making. From data to strategic raw materials, the green transition and digital currencies, how should the EU best leverage its advantages and design policies to mitigate risk? 

Friday 12

  • 10.25 - 11.15

    EU Enlargement 2030 A Dream or Reality?


    location_onArtemis Hall | European Cultural Centre of Delphi

    Programming Partners: Bled Security Forum & The Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)