Under the Patronage of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou

Delphi Economic Forum IX

April 10-13, 2024

Marianna Nathanail

Marianna Nathanail

Marianna Nathanail

EIB Group Representative in Greece, Institutional Affairs Officer Greece & Cyprus

European Investment Bank

Marianna Nathanail is the European Investment Bank (EIB) Legal Representative in Greece, engaging actively with EU delegations, national, local, public, and private sector stakeholders, business associations and academia partners in Greece and Cyprus to promote the strategic orientations and priorities of the EIB, supporting sustainable investments, energy transition, climate adaptation, research, innovation, female entrepreneurship, social investments and skills. A professional with 25 years of service in the banking, finance, and legal sector.
Having joined the EIB in 2015, she worked at the EIB Headquarters in Luxembourg in Capital Markets and Risk Management positions, participating in horizontal EIB Group working groups for the development of Group policies on Market Conduct, Regulatory Compliance, Sustainable Finance and Corporate Governance.
Prior to joining the EIB, she worked for the European Commission, DG FISMA and DG Internal Market, as seconded national expert, coordinator of the EC drafting team for the Market Abuse Regulation, representing the European Commission in the Interinstitutional negotiations with the European Parliament and the Council (trilogues) for major financial services regulations.
Before joining the European Commission, she served as Legal Advisor to the Hellenic Capital Markets Commission, also representing Greece as Delegate in Council negotiations, and Legal Counsel for major international and Greek groups of companies in the energy, construction, and shipping sector.
She holds a degree from the Athens University Law School, a master’s degree in law (LL.M.) and a master’s degree (MSc) in Banking and Finance.

Friday 12

  • 18.35 - 19.05

    Empowering Women for Success

    • FUTURE

    location_onErmis Room | Amalia Hotel