Marialena Athanasopoulou is Deputy Head of the Economic Risk Analysis division and country team coordinator for Spain at the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). On leave from the ESM, she worked as Special Secretary for Private Debt Management at the Greek Ministry of Finance in 2022.
She previously worked as an economist at the International Monetary Fund. She was also a visiting professor at the Department of Economics at the Athens University of Economic and Business.
Ms Athanasopoulou holds a PhD in Economics from University of Southern California (Los Angeles), and Masters’ degrees in Economics and Business Mathematics from University of Southern California (Los Angeles) and the Athens University of Economic and Business.
Her research field is international macroeconomics, with a focus on debt sustainability analysis and sovereign debt restructuring.
Friday 12
16.55 - 17.35
Financing Europe's Future
Amphictyon Hall | Anemolia Hotel, Arachova
Programming Partner: European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
Ageing, climate change and the risk of geo-economic fragmentation will have a major impact on Europe’s future growth and therefore Europe needs determined action to maintain its international standing. The investment needs over the coming years will be enormous. Both public and private initiatives will be crucial. With countries being advised to keep spending in check, an EU Capital Markets Union could play a significant role. The question therefore is: What can be done, including at the EU level, to finance the multiple challenges European countries are facing?