Under the Patronage of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou

Delphi Economic Forum IX

April 10-13, 2024

Olga Kafetzopoulou

Olga Kafetzopoulou

Olga Kafetzopoulou

Director for VET and LLL Planning and Development

Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, Greece

Ms Olga Kafetzopoulou is the Director of Planning & Development for Vocational Education, Training and Lifelong Learning at the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports. She studied Chemical Engineering and she has two Master's degrees in Environmental Hygiene and Business Administration.
Her professional experience from 1993-2015 includes high-level positions at the Vocational Education and Training Organization (ΟΕΕΚ), the National Center for Public Administration (EKDDA-INEP) and at the Ministry of Education. In particular, it is noted that her 31 years of experience includes positions of responsibility in the field of vocational training e.g. Planning and Implementation of European Programs/International Organizations, co-funded Projects, Planning and Development of VET, Organization and Information Technology, Administration of Institutes of VET, Human Resources Development & Training.
She has been responsible since 2016 for the design, implementation and promotion of VET graduates’ apprenticeship, which was named the best European practice for the European Social Fund (2019) and is a learning pathway presented in various events at European level as an alternative pathway of Adult Apprenticeship scheme. From 2021 she is responsible for national VET policies design, linking VET & LLL with the labor market and monitoring European & international policies for VET & LLL.
She has been a scientific team leader on upgrading the qualifications of civil servants, improving the quality of initial vocational training and enhancing the skills of young people through training or apprenticeship schemes. She has also participated as a lecturer in several seminars on a wide range of topics on VET.
She is a national expert in the Cedefop community on apprenticeships, national coordinator in the benchmarking of apprenticeship schemes, national representative to the OECD Expert Group on VET, alternate member of the Directors-General for Vocational Training and the Advisory Committee on Vocational Training in the E.C.

Thursday 11

  • 17.00 - 17.45

    Empowering the Future Workforce - The Importance of Vocational Training


    location_onLeto Hall | Amalia Hotel

    Programming Partner: Bodossaki Foundation