Under the Patronage of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou

Delphi Economic Forum IX

April 10-13, 2024

Stella Tsani

Stella Tsani

Stella Tsani

Associate Professor

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Stella Tsani is Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. She holds a PhD in Economics and Business from the University of Reading, UK. She is a member of the Global Young Academy, first in Greece, selected on the grounds of the excellence of scientific research and the demonstrated societal engagement. Stella is invited lead author of the 7th Global Environment Outlook (GEO-7), United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) flagship environmental assessment, where she contributes to the economic and financial transformations needed for the sustainability transition. Stella is the co-lead of the Global Young Academy&SDGs group. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Euro-Mediterranean Forum of Institutes of Economic Sciences. Stella is an invited expert member of the foresight group, coordinated by Plan Bleu, on the Mediterranean basin "MED 2050" and an expert contributor to the International Science Council delegation to the UN2023 Water Conference and policy brief. She is the lead editor of the Handbook of Sustainable Politics and Economics of Natural Resources. Stella acts as scientific coordinator, partner and invited advisory and scientific board member in several research projects funded by national, regional, and international bodies (European Commission, World Bank, Bank of Greece, Austrian Institute of Economic Research, EEA Grants, etc., more than 30 projects in the last 10 years). Stella has been selected as expert member of the Body of Knowledge, start-up mentor and trainer for the Cross-KIC (EIT Food, EIT Manufacturing, EIT Climate, EIT Raw Materials) initiative “Finding innovative solutions for water scarcity in Southern Europe”. She has acted as expert proposal evaluator for the French National Research Agency, reviewer for the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, and the development of the Smithsonian Science Education Center guide for youth on “Ocean”. She has more than 10 years of professional experience with multi-sectoral networks across the knowledge triangle. Her work applies economic methods and tools at micro- and macro- level, with systems perspective, to address questions related to sustainable development, policy assessment, sovereign wealth management and natural resources with focus on renewables, hydrocarbons and water.

Thursday 11

  • 10.05 - 10.35

    Climate Crisis and Environmental Policies. Attitudes and Perceptions of Greeks

    • PLANET

    location_onApollon Room | Amalia Hotel