Under the Patronage of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou

Delphi Economic Forum IX

April 10-13, 2024

Ioannis Hadjiyiannis

Ioannis Hadjiyiannis

Ioannis Hadjiyiannis

Head of Unit “Horizontal Policies” and Head of the Athens Office

Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM), European Commission, Greece

Ioannis Hadjiyiannis is Head of the Unit Horizontal Policies of DG REFORM, responsible for developing DG REFORM’s strategic priorities, including technical support to Member States’ Recovery and Resilience Plans and migration management, as well as for coordinating DG REFORM’s presence in Member States. He is also Head of the Athens Office of DG REFORM since September 2018. Prior to that, he assisted the Head of the European Commission’s Structural Reform Support Service in coordinating the EU support to the management of the migration crisis in Greece. He worked for many years as project manager for technical support projects in Greece, as well as worked for several years as member of the European Commission's Legal Service. He studied law at King's College London and the Catholic University of Leuven and received a postgraduate degree in law from Columbia University in New York. He is admitted to the Bars of New York and Cyprus.

Friday 12

  • 09.40 - 10.20

    Youth as Agents of Peace: Testimonies from the United World Colleges' Students

    • PEOPLE

    location_onErmis Room | Amalia Hotel

    Programming Partner: DG Reform

  • 14.55 - 15.35

    Building Resilience: Supporting EU Member States in Climate Change Adaptation and Civil Protection

    • HEALTH

    location_onAhrweiler Hall | European Cultural Centre of Delphi

    Programming Partners: DG Reform & European Investment Bank

    Climate change is very real and severely impacts Member States, including putting a strain on civil protection systems, as made evident by the destructive floods, snowstorms, and wildfires across Europe. The EU strives to be climate-neutral by 2050, by saving, diversifying, and producing green energy supplies. At the same time, the EU, through the Commission’s Technical Support Instrument (TSI) and EIB funding, aims to support Member States in adapting to the new realities of climate change and in strengthening their civil protection systems.

    This panel discussion aims to explore Member States' actions for addressing the impact of climate change and strengthening civil protection, the relevant support provided by the EU, through the Commission's TSI and EIB funds, as well as the pivotal role of the private sector.