Under the Patronage of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou

Delphi Economic Forum IX

April 10-13, 2024

George Kalamitsis

George Kalamitsis

George Kalamitsis

Board Member

Hellenic Patient Association, Greece

Focused on health policy, I have been working extensively with multiple stakeholders focusing on patients’ rights as well as building communication channels with organizations and governmental and non-governmental stakeholders, on a National, European, and international level. I have been participating in multiple, think tanks, Advisory Boards,
Publications, and Healthcare Observatory Initiatives, in a national and international level. Through challenging socioeconomic times, I have managed to empower the patient’s movement and achieve important reforms. I also have a deep knowledge of populations, groups, and subgroups: Consumers, Shoppers, Patients, Physicians, Pharmacies, Industry, WHO, OECD, European Parliament, ECDC, EMCDDA, etc. I have been exposed and adapted to many cultures and ethnicities due to multicultural upbringing in the USA and Greece and I am respectful of cultural and race diversity.

Friday 12

  • 11.20 - 12.00

    Vaccination and Public Health: Building a Prevetion-Oriented Culture

    • HEALTH

    location_onAhrweiler Hall | European Cultural Centre of Delphi