Thursday 11
14.25 - 15.25
Banking Sector in Greece and Challenges Ahead
Leto Hall | Amalia Hotel
Programming Partner: European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
The banking sector in Greece has made big strides in recent years to improve performance and strengthen balance sheets. Greek banks’ profitability should continue to improve this year, even amid a weak economic outlook in Europe and higher funding costs. The question is how can banks ensure that growth is sustainable in the long-term? What are the weaknesses they still need to address to compete in a financial sector which evolve quickly?
Friday 12
16.55 - 17.35
Financing Europe's Future
Amphictyon Hall | Anemolia Hotel, Arachova
Programming Partner: European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
Ageing, climate change and the risk of geo-economic fragmentation will have a major impact on Europe’s future growth and therefore Europe needs determined action to maintain its international standing. The investment needs over the coming years will be enormous. Both public and private initiatives will be crucial. With countries being advised to keep spending in check, an EU Capital Markets Union could play a significant role. The question therefore is: What can be done, including at the EU level, to finance the multiple challenges European countries are facing?