Under the Patronage of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou

Delphi Economic Forum IX

April 10-13, 2024

Athanasios Semoglou

Athanasios Semoglou

Athanasios Semoglou

Professor of Archaeology and History of Art

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Born in Thessaloniki, he studied Archaeology and Art at the Dept. of History and Archaeology. From  1988 to 1991 he pursued postgraduate studies in Paris (Institut d'art et d'Archéologie, Paris I) and Belgrade (Dept  of History and Art). He achieved his PhD at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris) as fellow of the  Alexandros Onassis Foundation. He is working in the Dept of History and Archaeology of the Aristotle University  of Thessaloniki as a staff member, tenured professor of Byzantine art and archaeology since 2015. In 2007, he received the centenary bursary from the British School at Athens for research in UK. In 2012, he was a DAAD  fellow for research in Münich and Freiburg. The same year was elected Directeur d'Études Associé at the  Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme in Paris. In 2024 he has received the fellowship of the Japan Society  for the Promotion of Studies for lectures on the Athonite art in Waseda University in Tokyo. Since 2013, he is 
member of the Greek national Committee of the Memory of World of UNESCO. He is also member of the  scientific committee of many international journals and participated to four international research projects as a  coordinator. Since 2020 he is associated president of the European Centre of Byzantine Monuments (Ministry  of Culture) and member of the committee of the Center of Preservation of the Athonite Heritage. He organised  and participated to more than 100 international and national scientific congresses, published five books, more  than 80 papers, many of them in peer-reviewed journals, two catalogues of byzantine icons and book reviews. 
His interests are the Byzantine and post-byzantine iconography. 
International Research Projects (since 2010) 
-2017-2019: BYZART - Byzantine Art and Archaeology Thematic channel for Europeana, project  coordinator: prof. Isabella Baldini, Bologna, (https://pro.europeana.eu/post/byzantine-art-and-archaeology) -2016-2019: MAGISTRI MEDITERRANEI. MOVILIDAD Y TRANSFERENCIA ARTÍSTICA EN EL MEDITERRÁNEO  MEDIEVAL (1187-1388): ARTISTAS, OBJETOS Y MODELOS, Barcelona  (http://www.magistrimediterranei.org/en/project/) 
-2012-2014: Damned in Hell in Frescoes of Venetian-Dominated Crete. Financed by Leverhulme Foundation (London) (http://www.open.ac.uk/Arts/damned-in-hell/index.shtml). 
Selected Publications (since 2010) 
1. BOOK: Η Θέκλα στην αυγή του χριστιανισμού. Εικονογραφική μελέτη της πρώτης γυναίκας  μάρτυρας στην Ύστερη Αρχαιότητα (=Thekla at the dawn of Christianity. An iconographical study of the first  female martyr in the art of the Late Antiquity), (Center for the Byzantine Research & Archaeological Institute of  Macedonia and Thrace),Thessaloniki,2014.  
2. Damned in Hell, damned in the church. Imagery and space in Byzantium”, in Α. Lymberopoulou  (ed.), Hell in the Byzantine World. A History of Art and Religion in Venetian Crete and the Eastern Mediterranean,  vol. 1 (Essays), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2020, pp. 281-309 
3. Le programme pictural de l'église du Parthénon à Athènes selon les aquarelles de  Westlake: byzantin ou latin? Arte Medievale, (Rome) quarta ser. anno 9, 2020, p. 11-26 4. Mosaic Icons on and from Mount Athos, Афон–Светоч Православия: Взаимодействие культур. Материалы  Международной конференции. 5–7 октября 2016 г., Институт имени И.Е.Репина. СПб., 2017, p. 244-258. 5. La version «théophanienne» de la Transfiguration. Elenchos d'une hypothèse sur les origines d'un  schéma iconographique, Convivium III/2 (Brno-Praha-Lausanne), 2016, p. 36-47. 
6. Le phénix de Saint-Georges (la Rotonde) à Thessalonique et l'Apocalypse grecque de Baruch.  L'examen critique d'une source possible du décor mosaïque, Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum (Bonn) 57,  2014, p. 106-116 
7. La Vierge mère de la Lumière, la Vierge lieu de rafraîchissement: deux aspects de la Mère de Dieu  dans l’art byzantin, Iconographica (Florence) 13, 2014, p. 65-79. 
8. La Seconde Parousie et le cycle de la Création dans l'église de la Vierge à Evangelismos (Mouhtaroi) en  Crète. L'application d'un modèle occidental, Ars auro gemnisque prior, Mélanges en hommage à Jean-Pierre Caillet,  Zagreb 2013, p. 499-506. 
9. La croix à cornes: survivance juive du sacrifice expiatoire dans l’art chrétien, Le plaisir de l'art du Moyen  ge.  Commande, production et réception de l'oeuvre d'art. Mélanges en hommage à Xavier Barral i Altet, Paris 2012, p.77-83 10. La mosaïque de Hosios David à Thessalonique. Une interprétation néotestamentaire, Cahiers  Archéologiques (Paris) 54, 2011-2012, p. 5-16.

Thursday 11

  • 09.30 - 10.15

    Ecumenical Byzantium: A Challenging Co-Existence


    location_onExhibition Hall | European Cultural Centre of Delphi