Under the Patronage of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou

Delphi Economic Forum IX

April 10-13, 2024

Emmanouil Sigalas

Emmanouil Sigalas

Emmanouil Sigalas

Senior Vice President and Managing Director Europe

Hill International NV, Greece

Manolis Sigalas is the Senior Vice President & Managing Director for Europe for Hill International. He joined Hill in London in 2005 and since then has led significant project management and advisory services appointments internationally. He held the position of Managing Director of Southern Europe since April of 2018 and led the region’s organic growth and evolution into a winning team and a profitable operational platform for Hill within Europe, and in 2023 was promoted to Senior Vice President & Managing Director for Europe.
 In his capacity as head of Europe he currently oversees Hill’s operations in 18 countries and leads growth initiatives that span the infrastructure, buildings, energy and technology sectors. He has a solid operational background in Hill offered services, including on Program & Project Management, Advisory Services, Independent Engineer and Technical Assistance. In addition to his P&L responsibilities he maintains an active operational approach supporting our clients and teams on major capital projects. Furthermore, he has been the lead Technical Advisor on several asset acquisition or project finance transactions internationally working for investment funds or lenders.
 He holds the Degree of Civil Engineer from NTUA and a Master in Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Thursday 11

  • 10.30 - 11.20

    Us and European Perspectives on Ukraine’s Post War Reconstruction


    location_onArtemis Hall | European Cultural Centre of Delphi

    Programming Partner: RAND Corporation

    Recovery and reconstruction in Ukraine might be the largest post-war rebuilding effort in modern history. If implemented successfully, it will take its place as the next step in the multigenerational effort to reconstruct and reintegrate Europe, from Western Europe after WWII, Central and Eastern Europe after the Cold War, and the Western Balkans after the violent breakup of Yugoslavia. While Ukraine can and should set the priorities, success will require joint U.S. and European leadership. This panel will explore the many dimensions of the Ukraine reconstruction challenge from the U.S. and the European perspective, including factors that have led to success in past efforts; financing; coordination among donors, international financial institutions, and Ukraine; ensuring the integrity of reconstruction spending; the need for Ukraine to engage in internal reforms; the security dimension of Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction; and the upcoming Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024, to be hosted in Berlin this June.