Dimitris Giantsis is General Director of the Directorate-General of Projects, of “Information Society SA” (IS SA). He is responsible for the effective coordination, guidance and supervision of all Directorates and Units of the General Directorate, which have, as their object, the implementation of ICT projects and state aid actions. Previously, and for a few years, he held the position of Infrastructure Support Manager at IS S.A., having dealt with some of the most emblematic projects of Public IT and Telecommunications, such as Rural Broadband, Government Cloud (G-Cloud) and Syzefxis II.
He has 23 years of work experience in the fields of telecommunications, information technology and project management, both in the private and in the wider public sector, having managed complex co-financed projects, as well as Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects. He has served as General Manager at the "Observatory for Digital Greece", while he started his professional career at WIND Hellas as a Telecommunications Engineer.
He holds a Master's degree in Mobile, Personal and Satellite Communications from the University of Westminster, and is a graduate of the University of Patras in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He is also a Certified Project Management Professional (PMPR ) since 2008.