Under the Patronage of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou

Delphi Economic Forum IX

April 10-13, 2024

Achilleas Gravanis

Achilleas Gravanis

Achilleas Gravanis

Professor of Pharmacology

Medical School University of Crete, Greece

Achilleas Gravanis, Professor of Pharmacology Medical School University of Crete and Researcher at the Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology-FORTH. He served as member of the Biomedical Research Program Committee of the European Commission, as Chairman of the Sectional Committee of Life Sciences, Hellenic National Research & Technology Council, also as member of the Council of the Hellenic Research & Innovation Foundation in charge of Life Sciences. Vice-Chair Hellenic Pharmacological Society, Affiliated Research Professor Center for Drug Discovery, Faculty of Pharmacy Northeastern University Boston. Affiliated Principal Investigator at Emulate, a Harvard/WYSS spinoff. Co-founder of biotechnology spinoff BioNature. He published 165 papers (PubMed, h-index:53).

Thursday 11

  • 17.45 - 20.15

    Roundtable Discussion on Education in Greece | Decisive Factor for the Future of the Country


    location_onIanthi Room | Amalia Hotel