Under the Patronage of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou

Delphi Economic Forum IX

April 10-13, 2024

Kostas Lagouvardos

Kostas Lagouvardos

Kostas Lagouvardos

Research Director

National Observatory of Athens, Greece

Dr. Konstantinos/Kostas LAGOUVARDOS Research Director at the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), born in 1964, has a PhD in Dynamic Meteorology (University PARIS 6, 1992). Since 2002 he joined the National Observatory of Athens. He has authored or co-authored more than 160 papers published in international journals (h-index=34, >3800 citations). He is an expert in the fields of dynamic meteorology, numerical weather prediction, weather monitoring networks, development of early warning systems for civil protection and private sector needs (including the energy sector, through wind and solar energy forecasting). He is responsible for the operational weather prediction at NOA and of related activities and of the National Observatory of Athens Automated Network of surface weather stations (NOAAN, 550 stations). He is co-founder and co-coordinator (in collaboration with Dr. V. Kotroni), of the development and operation of www.meteo.gr. He has coordinated (es), participated(es) as project manager and/or principal investigator in a large number of national and European projects while he also has extensive experience attracting funding from the private sector. During the last two years he coordinates the climate portal www.climatebook.gr.

Wednesday 10

  • 14.30 - 15.10

    Rising Tides, Rising Threats: Safeguarding Our Oceans in a Warming World

    • PLANET

    location_onKaramanlis Hall | European Cultural Centre of Delphi