Ahmet Erdi Ozturk
Associate Professor in Politics and International Relations
London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
Dr. Ahmet Erdi Öztürk is an associate professor of politics and international relations at London Metropolitan University. He is also working as Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellow at Coventry University in the UK and GIGA in Germany (between 2021-2023).
He is an associate researcher (Chercheur Associé) at the Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes. He is the co-editor of the Edinburgh University Press Series on Modern Turkey and editor of the International Journal of Religion. He is also associate editor of Middle East Politics and Southeast European and Black Sea Studies. He was a Swedish Institute Pre and Post-Doctoral Fellow at Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO), at Linköping University, Scholar in Residence at the University of Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. He is a regular contributor to media outlets such as Open Democracy, The Conversation, Huffington Post and France 24. He is the winner of 2021 London Metropolitan University Outstanding Early Career Researcher and 2022 ISA’s ENMISA Emerging Scholar Award.