Under the Patronage of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou

Delphi Economic Forum IX

April 10-13, 2024

Elissavet Vozemberg - Vrionidis

Elissavet Vozemberg - Vrionidis

Elissavet Vozemberg - Vrionidis

Member, European Parliament


Born in Athens, she studied Law and Political Science at the Law School of Athens University. She has been practicing law since 1982, specialising in criminal and family law. She has participated in many important trials of intense social interest as well as in trials against the Greek terrorist organisations of 17 November and ELA, where she represented the victims and their relatives. Mrs Vozemberg has particular interest in issues of equality and motherhood and is a member of the women’s organisations Kallipatira and Panathinaiki. She belongs to the Hellenic Criminal Bar Association and has participated in the Legislative Committee of the Greek Ministry of Justice. She was elected Councillor at the Athens Bar Association for 15 consecutive years and was a member of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE). She writes frequently in the daily press, and participates in television debates on issues of political and social interest, as well as of scientific interest. She also organised and presented a series of TV political debates in Cyprus on the occasion of the Cypriot Presidential elections. She was a Member of the Greek Parliament from October 2009 to May 2012. Member of European Parliament since 2014, in the Committees on Legal and Home Affairs (LIBE) and Transport and Tourism (TRAN). Vice - Chairwoman in the Committee on Gender Equality and Women’s Rights (FEMM). Member of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on EU - Turkey relations.