Dr. Tafsir Matin Johansson is an Assistant Professor (Research/Ocean Sustainability, Governance Management) at the World Maritime University-Sasakawa Global Ocean Institute in Malmö, Sweden. Tafsir is a techno-policy analyst with a Ph.D. in Maritime Affairs from WMU, and an LLM in Maritime Law from the University of Lund, Sweden. His duties at the GOI include ocean governance and policy research, teaching and developing innovative statistical models to better assess drivers and indicators relevant to ocean research agenda. An important aspect of his work includes supervising MSc, PhD as well as Postdoctoral students. Tafsir has published extensively on maritime and ocean issues including: techno-regulatory dynamic governance, Arctic governance, vessels of concern, corporate social responsibility, marine pollution, climate change, conflict management and trust ecosystem, and Brexit and fisheries. Tafsir has worked on or led a number of multidisciplinary projects, including: regulatory development projects funded by Transport Canada (Government of Canada) since 2014, as well as those funded under the Canadian Government’s Oceans Protection Plan covering critical topics. In addition, Tafsir has served as an in-house researcher on projects funded by International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SwAM) and the Danish Shipowners’ Association. Currently Tafsir serves as a CO-PI in a European Union Horizon2020 Programme funded project titled “Overcoming Regulatory Barriers for Service, and the Lloyd’s Register Foundation funded Project METAVASEA (People-centered Transition for Maritime Decarbonization in the East Mediterranean).
Thursday 11
09.00 - 09.50
Harnessing Tech for Climate Action 50% Ghg Reduction in the Maritime Industry by 2025
Ahrweiler Hall | European Cultural Centre of Delphi
Programming Partner: World Maritime University (WMU)