Born in the city of Athens (Greece) in 1971. He studied Rural and Surveying Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and holds a Μaster Degree in “Environmental Design of Infrastructure” from the Hellenic Open University.
He worked as senior officer or project manager to both public and private entities studying, implementing, managing or financing mega projects such as the National Greek Cadastre, Egnatia Motorway, Athens and Salonika Metro railway systems, PPP Greek Motorways.
From September 2015 to July 2019 he served as General Secretary for Public Investment Budget & EU Structural Funds at the Ministry of Economy and Development.
He served as President of the Investment Boards governing new Financing Instruments under EU Programming Period 2014-2020: Equity Fund of Funds “Equifund”, Infrastructure Fund and Risk Sharing Fund “TEPIX II”.
Saturday 13
09.45 - 10.20
Towards Environmental Justice | Green Transition, Social Equality And AI
Apollon Room | Amalia Hotel
Programming Partner: ENA Institute