Since April 2023, Marco Buti holds the Tommaso Padoa Schioppa chair at the Robert Schuman Centre. Before joining the EUI, Buti was Chief of Staff of the Commissioner for the economy, Paolo Gentiloni. Between 2008 and 2019, he was Director-General for Economic and Financial Affairs at the European Commission. Moreover, he has been the Commission Finance Deputy at G7 and G20.
A graduate of the universities of Florence and Oxford, he has published several books over the last two decades as well as many scholarly articles and policy papers on Economic and Monetary Union, the political economy of European integration, fiscal policies and policy mix, unemployment and welfare state reforms, the EU budget, and global economic governance.
In October 2021, he published the book 'The Man Inside – A European Journey through Two Crises', which revisits the European economic policy design and implementation over the past decade. In April 2023, he published the book 'Jean Monnet aveva ragione? - Costruire l’Europa in tempi di crisi'. In addition, he has recently piloted a research strand on European public goods.
A regular contributor to the daily 'Il Sole 24 ore', he is also a Senior Fellow at Bruegel and a member of the CEPR Research Policy Network.
Friday 12
09.00 - 09.45
Why is the US Growing Faster than Europe? And, Must Europe Change Course?
Artemis Hall | European Cultural Centre of Delphi
Programming Partner: London School of Economics (LSE)
The US is recording higher economic growth rates than Europe. Why? The two have pursued different economic strategies in response to the COVID crisis, while having, of course, different capitalist cultures and systems. Can Europe grow and compete with its current macro-economic policy mix, governance, and welfare systems?
15.50 - 16.15
New EU Fiscal Framework
Amphictyon Hall | Anemolia Hotel, Arachova